Passion Fuels Purpose! 


Hi, I'm Vriza, I am A professional software engineer with about 4 years of experience. Focuses on the quality of the product by implementing best practices and clean code like SOLID principle. Technology agnostic, meaning that focusses on goal about the product not about language.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enthusiastic with some academic publications and actively write posts about AI in LinkedIn and Medium.

Whether I'm working on a website, mobile app, or other digital product, I bring my commitment to design excellence and user-centered thinking to every project I work on. I look forward to the opportunity to bring my skills and passion to your next project.


satisfied clients


projects completed


Years of experience


React Native
Machine Learning
Computer Vision
Postgre SQL


  • Backend Engineer @Finetiks

    Aug 2022 • Present | One Pacific Place, 15th Floor Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. Kav 52-53 Jakarta 12190

    Building personal financial management app with various tech stack. We are focus on building best practice and quality in all of the technology. Strong communication with another team such as QA and Product team. Following are my main tasks:

    1. • Design architecture microservices from scratch
    2. • Design Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
    3. • Build REST API using Golang and Python with the PostgreSQL and Redis as a database
    4. • Build Artificial Intelligence especially on text similarity using term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) and Cosine Similarity (Cosim) in Python
    5. • Build OCR Deep Learning with Object Detection and Text Recognition process using Python specifically with Paddle OCR framework.
    6. • Build Classification engine using Chat GPT
    7. • Build event driven microservices using Pub/Sub
    8. • Build documentation REST API using swagger
    9. • Build unit test using Testify and Gomock in Golang and Pytest in Python with minimum coverage 90% in Sonar Cloud
    10. • Create CI/CD and implement in Github Action
    11. • Deploy microservices using Cloud Run
    12. • Review colleague's code in Pull Request Github

  • Teaching Assistant @ITS

    Feb 2022 • Jun 2022 | Highway ITS, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia

    Teaching masters students with courses include Computational Intelligence and Matriculation-Data Structure. The technology used is python with some libraries like pandas, numpy, keras, pytorch etc.

  • Fullstack Developer @Clade Ventures

    Jan 2020 • Mei 2022 | Unit 16A ,81 Briggs Street, Carlisle WA 6101. AUSTRALIA

    Built a learning management system for BRI employees throughout Indonesia using website and mobile apps. Built Digital Service Orchestrator with some partner such as Gojek, Grab, Lalamove etc.

  • Research Assistant @Brawijaya University

    Mei 2019 • Dec 2019 | Jl. Veteran, Ketawanggede, Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia • 65145

    Helping lecturers in research on artificial intelligence, especially on food image data in hospitals. The technology used are python languange with some libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Tensorflow and Keras.

  • Frontend Engineer @Bigio

    Mei 2019 • Dec 2019 | Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA.

    This company is engaged in Information technology consulting firm with some client. As a frontend engineer my main task are:

    • • Built website using CodeIgniter and React JS
    • • Built mobile apps using Flutter
    • • Integrate API using Axios
    • • Slicing UI using Bootstrap, Material UI and Chart JS


  • Master of Computer Science

    2021-2022 | Sepuluh Nopember of Technology (ITS)

    Completed a master's project on deep learning, developing a computer vison in transportation system

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

    2015-2019 | Brawijaya University (UB)

    Relevant courses included Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Systems Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence.

  • Artajasa Scholarship

    2017-2019 | Artajasa

    Become an Artajasa scholarship awardee and develop soft skills in leadership